I've been eating Paleo foods for almost 2 months now. I'm feeling great and my skin is looking real good, like glowing. I have lots of natural energy and don't have an ounce of craving for processed foods or sweets of any kind.
I did try to eat a bowl of chocolate cereal about 3 weeks into it and had to throw it out. It tasted real nasty and I was actually trying to make myself eat it but then I thought, "why in the world would I do that?" Into the trash it went.
My last trip to the doctor was about 2 weeks ago and I've lost 30 lbs! Well I just couldn't believe it. I thought and felt like I had lost a few lbs but I was pleasantly surprised.
I've been sticking to eggs that we buy from local farmers, ham, mushrooms, vegetables, nuts and just a few fruits. I also eat meat a few times a week. I'm not hungry at all in between meals but do eat nuts, raisins, dried blueberries and bananas. I use as much coconut oil as I can, even put it in my coffee in the AM. I'm sure I'm not listing everything here but the idea was to keep it as simple as I could and as easy as I could in the beginning.
I love everything that I'm eating but starting this weekend I'm going to start cooking. I'm waiting form my Amazon order to come in with my coconut flour and cacao powder. I went to the organic food store and paid out of my ass for some quinoa. Next time I will order it online or look for it at Walmart.
I'm an 80/20 believer so I do get some cottage cheese with my fruits at times and I'm probably eating more fruit than I should considering my goal is to lose weight. But the whole reason I chose Paleo is so that I could eat fruit without feeling guilty so I don't feel a bit guilty when I eat a banana or musk melon. I love them. I'm perfectly happy with what I eat.
I can see how this could be difficult for some people to follow because of the preparing and "cooking" that's involved. It's hard when you can't buy something off of the shelf and throw it in a pan. I worked myself out of that thinking by just reminding myself of all of the poisons that are packed in there with them. Plus they don't taste good now.There's also more shopping and planning involved but it's doable. I go to the local meat shop to get my meat fresh and cut up then go home and sort it out and freeze it. I go to the farmer that sells eggs and buy several dozens at a time, I have to remember to bring my old egg crates. I've been doing this for years though. If you're wanting to cook like I'm going to start doing you have to source your cooking supplies. It's easy to find the organic items you need online but you have to wait...sometimes you can find what you need at the big chain stores but not always and not always organic. I'm also running to the store much more often for the staples of Paleo because they are mostly perishable.
Anyway this is where I'm at in my life. I've been posting at my other blog, On Turkey Lake. It's about the house improvements, crafts and sewing that go on at my place. I love it all.
~~Show Faith, Always Dream, Share With Everyone, Hope hope HOPE and Love Ridiculously & Unselfishly and Be the Person you Dream and Hope to be remembered for~~