Today was a good day for me. I met with my lawyer early this morning and got prepped for my upcoming court date. I finally go to court on January 7th for my disability. She assured me that things looked good and that she felt I had a good case. With both Dr. Rustagi’s and Dr. Holton’s reports being in my favor and stating that I would only be able to work part time somewhere where they would allow me to take 30 min breaks 3 or 4 times per day and that I would miss at the least 4 days per month. That is so true. I would never make the 90 day probationary period.
I also found out that even the SSI Dr.’s were in my favor. The memory test that I had taken and was denied immediately after, I had failed. My highest percentage was around 55% and the rest were lower at 17% etc. That’s severe memory loss. I just turned to my lawyer and told her that they denied me right after that test so I thought I had passed it. I’m just really glad to finally have some insight on these medical records. I feel like I can be more prepared for my hearing. Our judge is new so my lawyer said that she had only sat before her about 5 times and that she doesn’t let you know her decision that day. It could take 1-2 months for me to get my decision. She also told me that she MAY be able to have some insight when we leave as to what her decision might be.
I finished fixing Bridget and Andy’s computer today and gave them my old laptop which I had also fixed up, so they are set for computers. I also got to see Caiomhe, she is still cute lol.
I’m just so glad that this disability is coming to a final. Our lives will be so much better, financially anyway. We will be able to start enjoying some of the extra time on our hands. Hopefully start gym memberships.
Our new birdie, Tiny Dancer is doing well as far as her health goes. But I can’t ignore the fact that she still doesn’t trust us and opens her beak like she’s gonna bite me even when I just walk by her cage. When I have her out on my shoulder, she is ok and preens my hair. Maybe tomorrow I will take her into the bathroom and play music and sing to her. Like they say, music kils the savage soul. It just really makes me miss my boogie.
~~Show Faith, Always Dream, Share With Everyone, Hope hope HOPE and Love Ridiculously & Unselfishly and Be the Person you Dream and Hope to be remembered for~~
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