Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Ugh, I don’t feel good. Went to Dr. Bietzel yesterday and have throat and double ear infections so I started anti-biotics and I’m still at the place where I’m not sure if they’re working or not.  Yuckiness comes and goes.  On the up side… I lost ten whole pounds in six days.  I followed Timothy Ferriss’s plan to a tee and viola.  I was so surprised to see the ten pound loss, I rubbed my eyes and looked again.  Even when I was doing the low carb diet the most I ever lost was 5 pounds per week and I was thrilled with that.  So today was my day off and Elaine, Chris and I went to Dairy Queen to eat half price on Tuesdays.  That’s why Tuesdays are my days off.  I ate a lot of junk today and don’t feel so well but definitely got it out of my system so I can go another 6 days.  Love the diet (slow carb), don’t feel hungry.  I actually have to make myself eat more.  Really the more you eat the better you do.  I must be eating enough. I’m really going to make it work this time around.
I wish I knew where my son was.  He was going to get in contact with me and now the earthquake and tsunami’s in Japan have affected our Southern states.  Now Japan is having issues with their nuclear plants and those may affect us too.  I hope he’s safe and pray for him.  I miss him and worry about him all the time.  It’s real hard on a mama when their babies are in trouble and there’s nothing you can do.  Gosh you just never lose that feeling.
So now we have Tajza.  Picked her up on Friday at Tammy’s.  She’s doing well, she’s so sweet…just huge and a bit clumbsy.  She has attatched herself to me and James is a little out of sorts about that but I’m hoping he comes around.  When we got her she is having her period.  We thought she was prego or something cause Tammy had her tied up outside and left her male un-neutered dog outside with her at times.  But Mario came over to check her out and said that she wasn’t ready yet but to watch her closely, especially after she quits bleeding for the few weeks after.  So I called around pricing to get her spaded.  The cheapest vet was 290.00, 290.00???  That’s insane! After looking on the internet I found a place that does them for cost and it doesn’t matter what your income is.  We have her scheduled for April 4th and it’s just 60.00!! Imagine the money the vets are making on spade and neutering pets.  It’s a shame cause all of the unwanted animals out there.  You would think they could at least go by income levels on at least a few of their surgeries a year.
Well, I’m getting real tired so Ima go to bed
~~Show Faith, Always Dream, Share With Everyone, Hope hope HOPE and Love Ridiculously & Unselfishly and Be the Person you Dream and Hope to be remembered for~~


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