So far I've only done a few video blogs but I'm gonna start doing more since I've been planning for weight loss surgery. I've been stalking several of the weight loss vloggers and it looks like it would be an awesome tool for me to use to keep up my accountability. They have ALL been successful. I've got several ideas to keep my accountability in check and to replace my bad eating habits. I've written it all out on paper but will post it here before I go in for surgery cause I know I'll lose the paper eventually. The insurance company requires certain things for me to do before I have surgery and Dr. Sloan also requires certain things for me to do. The doctor wants me to go to a seminar, get my annual pap and mammogram, do his optifast diet for 5-7 weeks. That's to shrink the liver so it doesn't get nicked during laproscopic surgery. I went to the seminar last month and also got pap and mammogram last week. I can't do his optifast until I get insurance approval. The insurance really just wants a letter of necessity from my family doc and to show that I've done 3 months of a doctor approved diet plan. I went to my first doctor visit on Nov 14th and my next is in a few weeks. I should have that completed by the end of February 2014. Then I will wait to see about my insurance approval then I'll be able to start the optifast diet that Dr. Sloan requires. Dr. Beitzel knows exactly what we have to do for the insurance company so I'm optimistic that I will be able to have my surgery by my next birthday. I know it seems far away but it's gonna give me time to work on my bad eating habits and save money for the optifast diet which is $400 and any co-pays I will have to pay. I'm just truely blessed that I'm going to have the opportunity to have this surgery. It was a difficult decision for me because I was the one who looked at people as failures for having weight loss surgery. I've had to face my previous poor judgements of others before in my life and this is another one of those times. It shows me once again that I shouldn't judge people. I'm not doing that anymore or I stop myself when I think I'm going to. When I tested in for fatty liver on top of all the other health issues that I have I knew I had to do something. The liver can heal itself but if it gets beat up too much it will turn into cirrhosis. That isn't the road that I'm looking to go down. Nothing can be done about that except a transplant and that's after dialysis and if I'm even a candidate with all of my other health issues. I wouldn't want to take a liver from someone else who needed it that had actually taken care of themselves. To make matters worse every time I diet I gain more weight back than I lost. My doctor had some term for this but basically said I was at a place where it was kind of a vicious circle since I'm unable to exercise because of the pain in my back and joints because of the weight. Anyway it's the best excuse that I can come up with. But really I want my quality of life back and would like to repair the damage that has been done....sleep apnea, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, depression, back pain, shortness of breath, metabolic syndrome and I'm getting an ultra sound in a few weeks to see if I test positive for poly cystic ovary syndrome. I might be forgetting something but I know that I'll be able to stop taking a lot of medicine and I'm looking forward to that.
~~Show Faith, Always Dream, Share With Everyone, Hope hope HOPE and Love Ridiculously & Unselfishly and Be the Person you
Dream and
Hope to be remembered for~~
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