Monday, September 27, 2010

What am I allergic to?

I had a trip to the emergency room last Sunday (a week ago) because I couldn't catch my breath and my mid left back was killing me whenever I tried to breathe. What a terrible feeling.  They ran lots of tests specifically testing my heart, and EKG (boy those are allot faster than they used to be), x-ray(no broken bones and lungs look good), lots of blood test. Everything turned out fine.  I was real glad about that but now I'm just in pain and confused.
So I go to follow up with Dr. Beitzel on Wednesday and he says that I have a wheezing in my chest and bronchial tubes and that I'm not asthmatic or have allergies but I'm allergic to something.  Not real sure what that means but he sent me home with an inhaler and scheduled an ECO for this Wednesday just to follow up.
  The inhaler was working like a charm until last night. Man it's back and it's bad.  The inhaler isn't doing much of anything so I've taken a benedryl.  I called Dr. Beitzel's office and he is on vacation this week so they directed me to the other Dr. and there is nothing available for today but that I can go to the after hours clinic which starts at 5:45. "But be there early..first come, first serve" I just don't feel like I can drive an hour there, wait for help then drive an hour home just for someone to tell me to take an extra hit of my inhaler.  So I've taken an extra hit of my inhaler.  No relief yet.  I have to watch the BB's tomorrow for Jayme so maybe when I'm at the hospital on Wednesday getting my ECO I will see if I can get some help....Ugh
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It's a boy!!

Wow just found a few days ago that Billy and Lexy are going to have a baby boy! They're due in January about 5 weeks after Jayme.  I'm excited for the and know that Billy has been wanting a boy for a long long time.. They have 8 kids between the two of them and 7 are girls lol
~~Show Faith, Always Dream, Share With Everyone, Hope hope HOPE and Love Ridiculously & Unselfishly and Be the Person you Dream and Hope to be remembered for~~

Friday, September 24, 2010

Kicking off the Fall Pics

Kicking off the Fall

Me and Rylie are sitting out enjoying the weather. He has a thing for acorns and other nuts. They can keep him occupied for at least 5 minutes.
Now he is sitting on the big people chair and of course he's abusing it.
I have pictures but it looks like I can't add them from my cell phone app. BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop
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Sunday, September 19, 2010

It's been a long day

Today was a long day for me starting with our last association meeting of the year.  I have a feeling it's going to be a long winter.  So I got the association website up and running and hopefully people will check it out and find it useful and contribute.  Here's where it is...
Then it was time to rush over to Jayme's grab the babies and off to Target to get our last minute gift as always.  We got her a mobi wrap and she really liked it.  Too bad our only choices were black and some kinda pea green so she ended up with the black.  The babies were in their best form~not!  They needed naps and Rylie had several breakdowns. All in all it was a fun baby shower and soon we will be welcoming little baby Ella Maureen into the family :)
~~Show Faith, Always Dream, Share With Everyone, Hope hope HOPE and Love Ridiculously & Unselfishly and Be the Person you Dream and Hope to be remembered for~~
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Friday, September 17, 2010

Real Simple - Recipes, Organizing, Beauty, Fashion, Holidays

I need any help I can get for organizing! This site is so awesome that I think some of these ideas will really help me.

Real Simple - Recipes, Organizing, Beauty, Fashion, Holidays

~~Show Faith, Always Dream, Share With Everyone, Hope hope HOPE and Love Ridiculously & Unselfishly and Be the Person you Dream and Hope to be remembered for~~


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

9 Secrets of Motivated People | Real Simple

This is another posting that I think will be real helpful to me when I need to "re-discover" why I set goals!

Surprising Stuff You Can Get for Free | Real Simple

Just thought i'd add this onto my blog for future reference. There's lots of good news in here.

Monday, September 13, 2010

I saw Dr. Biezel today

We ran into Columbia City this morning to see Dr Biezel.  He is so nice, well worth the hour drive.  I don't want to have to change doctors. I got some blood drawn and should have the results by Wednesday.  It's just a normal blood check for my medications.

Dr. Biezel told me that even a 10 minute walk a day would help with my weight loss since I've hit a standstill.  Me and Bill and James boy one walked down to the mailbox and two streets down.  My goals are...

  • Walk 10 min a day first thing in the am if possible
  • Do ab circle for 3 mins a day
  • lose 30 lbs by Halloween and
  • lose 50 lbs by Christmas

I guess my short term goals are the exercising.  I'm also cutting cool whip out of my low carb diet until further notice.  Tonight I made up all my breakfast's for the week, bacon and eggs and put them in individual baggies.

These are my personal goals. Me and Bill have already talked about getting our life goals in order.  I would like to make long and short term goals for...

  • savings/money
  • winter trips
  • house repairs~mainly putting up microwave, attaching ice maker, attic, declutter and getting upstairs wall down
  • car purchase
  • boat purchase
  • finding constructive hobbies
  • getting into some sort of routine
  • house expansion
So ya, we have our hands pretty full for this winter.

Jayme told me today that Melissa and Mike talked to each other nicely on the phone and Mike is gonna let her and the girls stay in the house. Melissa is looking for a job cleaning.  I hope she finds one. This is good news compared to the conversation that they had yesterday when Mike told her how nasty she was and she told him how lousy he was in bed and had that David guy get on the phone and explain in detail to Mike what he and Melissa were doing!

~~Show Faith, Always Dream, Share With Everyone, Hope hope HOPE and Love Ridiculously & Unselfishly and Be the Person you Dream and Hope to be remembered for~~

Hmmm doesn't seem like the text posts are really working.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Its raining today

And it's gonna rain all day long. I'm just gonna chill and work on the association website. Shown in my prior post.
Well Melissa is mad at me for not calling her and for talking to Mike. She believes that he turned us against her and of course that's not the case at all. Mike turned off the utilities yesterday. I feel so bad for the girls and Melissa too. I truly believe she's got some issues going on right now and just hasn't taken care of them in the best way. So I'm just hanging tight for right now. BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Home - Big Turkey Lake Wildwood Association Website

Home - Big Turkey Lake Wildwood Association Website

~~Show Faith, Always Dream, Share With Everyone, Hope hope HOPE and Love Ridiculously & Unselfishly and Be the Person you Dream and Hope to be remembered for~~


Thursday, September 9, 2010

Tomorrow is Bill's Birthday :)

He's going to be 56 but he decided that we will just go ahead and keep him at 55. No problem.

I hate to be a whiner but it's not been a good day for me...headaches from Hell.  I'm so sick of them and the medicines that I have to take for them.  They basically run my life and I like to run my own show.

I miss having BBT here. I don't feel like I get him enough anymore but I do get to see him on Tuesdays and Thursdays now that Jayme is in school.  Actually if I wasn't so lazy I could go see him and Micah anytime that I wanted to.

Short and sweet, I'm off to bed...

~~Show Faith, Always Dream, Share With Everyone, Hope hope HOPE and Love Ridiculously & Unselfishly and Be the Person you Dream and Hope to be remembered for~~


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

~~Show Faith, Always Dream Big, Share With Everyone, Hope hope HOPE and Love Ridiculously & Unselfishly and Be the Person you Dream and Hope to be remembered for~~



Ah, my homepage


~~Show Faith, Always Dream, Share With Everyone, Hope hope HOPE and Love Ridiculously & Unselfishly and Be the Person you Dream and Hope to be remembered for~~


Monday, September 6, 2010

Not the best day

Today I found out that Melissa is messing around on Mike. He has found out. Shit has hit the fan. Everything is a mess! She is ruining her life for a 22 year old worthless drug dealer who is playing her just like he probably does with everyone. This is killing Mike. Were all sick about it. I don't wanna talk about it anymore right now. Hopefully things will be better tomorrow. BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Thursday, September 2, 2010

X to be happy after being on them for a long time.

One final note. It's hot and humid today and kind of unbearable. It rained and poured when me and bbt

X aying off of them. I told him about the fillers in the pills building up I his arteries and what it does to your mind as far as making it hard for people
X actory. It was never my favorite thing. But I always did what I had to do. He says he's been off pill for about a week and I hope that's true ans he's st
X I'm excited and we should meet her on December 11th!!

I helped Wade with his resume yesterday and it turned out really well. I hope he gets the job tha

X college with two 16 month old babies and one I her belly. The belly baby is Alana Rose, pronounced Lonnie. Maybe I will call her bb Lon. Hmmm maybe not.
X Me again. Bbt had a pretty bad diaper so it was kind of an emergency. So I'm babysitting until Jayme gets home from class. She started her second year of
W winter.

I've been meaning to go through my book, 1000 places to go before you die.

W September 2nd 2010
I just can't believe that it's September already. Summer will be over soon and we will have to find a way to enjoy and get through the