Sunday, April 29, 2012

Dinner at Jayme's

 Today was a nice long Sunday. Me and Bill went to moms and Bill installed her new water faucet.  It didn't take long at all.  Then me and mom put the air compressor on Craigs list for $800. I hope she gets at least $700 for it! It's big and nice even though it's 12 years old.
Then we all went to Jayme's for dinner. She made beef and noodles, mashed potatoes, green beans, salad and bread. Wow it was alot of food and it was real good too.  She is turning into such a good cook.  The kids love that food.
Derick's family came over too and it was nice to meet them.  His mom, and both brothers Rick and Greg.  I forget his moms name, oh no.  I did pretty good remembering his brothers name.  They were all so nice too.  All the boys are so different.
The kids were at the top of their games, I played with them as much as I could. Alana is so silly.  She has Derick wrapped around her little finger.  She throws her little fit on the floor waiting for him to come pick her up.
We just got home and it's almost 8:30 now.  Already getting kinda tired...prob all those carbs! Going off to work on my other website

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Saturday, April 28, 2012

My Little Birthday Party

It was a nice day having the family come over on my birthday.  Alana really digged the cake. Here are the pictures that I took.

so did Rylie

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Saturday, April 21, 2012

It's Almost my Birthday

 I have exactly an hour and ten minutes before I finish my 43rd year of life and jump into year 44!  I can't believe I'm going to be that age.  Somehow, I always thought I would stay 32 forever but ya, that never happens.
I'm lucky to be celebrating my birthday because my health hasn't been so good over the past few years.  I downplay it cause I never want anyone to worry but I've got some major issues.  I've been taking great care of myself though.
I'm pretty happy with myself for changing my ways.  I'm taking the right steps and am feeling lots better.  I have to remember to get my blood-test done so I can see where my levels are.  Who knows maybe I can get off of some of my medicines!
I've spent quite a bit of the day lurking on the Internet for birthday freebies.  I want to put a post up on my public website for lots of free stuff on your birthday.  There's lots out there too.  Some are even worth doing.
It's nice and quiet and dark here. Rylie just went to bed about an hour ago. Bill had to lay him down because Rylie won't stay in bed for me anymore.  He keeps getting up and is even getting into stuff.  I've put everything up so he has nothing to get into that can hurt him in the morning if he gets up before us.  I'm setting my alarm and hopefully will get up before he does.  He isn't waking us up when he wakes up! I don't know if he thinks someone is downstairs and when he gets down there he gets sidetracked or what? But it's making me a nervous wreck.
We are going to get deadbolts for the doors because it won't be long before he decides he needs to let the dogs out and slip his boots on and head out too.  He's getting so big so fast.
He jumps on my lap and says "I wuv you!!" It makes it all worth it.  I love my little guy so so much:)

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Thursday, April 19, 2012

Been a Bad Girl!

Yesterday wasn't that nice of a day, ugh.  It was awesome outside but Zac and his sister have to keep putting their trash on FaceBook and I fell for it this time.  Tammy was "liking" some of the posts that were degrading to Jayme and all Hell broke loose.  I thought we had things worked out and Jayme got off of work and saw Tammy's original emails and lost it on her.  I hope they work it out because Jayme will feel bad and so will Tammy.  Nobody will win.  I'm ashamed of myself for the posts that I posted and removed them.  I've never stooped that low and posted crap like that on FaceBook...geez.  In my defense I was having some bad days, or pretty much the whole week because of dads birthday.  I feel like I'm losing my mind sometimes.
So, I went and worked out yesterday and actually am feeling better.  I was a hermit for about 3 day. I cried for a day or two, kept my face in some type of electronic gadget.  Usually working on some type of blog post and really getting nowhere.  Spinning my wheels.  I'm not using that as a crutch but it's the only thing that makes sense to me to do something that out of character for me.
To make matters worse I've joined an 8 week challenge through Alternate Economy and am suppost to be working on bettering myself and my attitude towards others.  I thought I was doing good but kinda fell off the wagon yesterday.  But I got a blog post about step 2 in the 8 week challenge and its' about compassion and the biggie with compassion is being able to forgive yourself.  I've always had a hard time with that...Always!  I don't know if everyone is like this but I'm much more likely to forgive someone else before I would myself.  I always say that once you have kids you're on a permanent guilt trip and ya that's true.  I can find a way to make everything my fault.
I'm going to make another post tonight or tomorrow about my 8 week challenge because I have to keep some type of journal for it so I can remember everything when I'm getting ready to write my essay and turn it in.  It will be published on their site so I want it to convey everything....and I have little Mr. Rylie hiding at the bottom of the stairs and he's suppost to be in bed....hmmmmm

~~Show Faith, Always Dream, Share With Everyone, Hope hope HOPE and Love Ridiculously & Unselfishly and Be the Person you Dream and Hope to be remembered for~~


Monday, April 16, 2012

It's my dads birthday

He would have been 69 today if he hadn't left us on November 11, 2011. I can't function too much today and the tears keep welling up in my eyes making it hard to type out my posts.
We have always shared a special time of year because our birthdays fall in the same week.
I've resisted laying around and feeling sorry for myself since he passed. Maybe to am extreme. I've used working out as a distraction and have even joined that second workout center, Curves. I was suppost to go today, my husband tried to get me to but I just can't. I know I wouldn't be able to get into it.
I can't stop the feelings today and i'm not used to that. I've become a master at pushing things back. If I didn't do that I would be a bigger mess than what Iam.
I know he wouldn't be very happy with me or that i'm so unhappy right now. But he will have to realize that i'm only so strong and I love him so much that i'm literally in physical pain. It has to come out.
There is nothing worse in this life than a sudden death of a loved one. I miss you so much dad.
Love, your daughter, Cheryl

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Great few days AND Curves and diet update

Cover of "Curves"
Cover of Curves
 It's been a pretty good few days for me.  First I went to see Wade yesterday.  I always love the 2 hour visits we have.  Even though he's been in prison for a year I don't think that it's fully registered with me.  I'm not sure that it ever will and I don't think that I want it to.  Nobody wants to face the fact that one of their children are behind bars for now and years to come.  I always wish we could go back in time and surely enough I find a way to blame it on myself.  I shouldn't do that because mothers with children in prison are already frowned upon.  But I do get to see and talk to him and that's more than Tammy can say.  He's learning a lot there, good and bad.  He's starting to weed it out too and I'm happy for that. I wish his dad would go visit him, I don't think he realizes how important that is for Wade.  We have our "busy" lives but we have to put our priorities in line and live by that...period. Wade has plans and they are all good least the ones he lets me know of.  It's kinda weird but through the entire process I've been worried about his life afterwards and what kind of life he is going to have.  He will have to have twice the amount of diligence than any other person to get where he wants to be but it can be done.  Anything can be done.  I know that for a fact and I always have faith, especially in my kids.
Today I weighed in at Curves and lost 11 lbs!  I was so excited! I told Sondra that I feel like I'm on the biggest loser and I'm going to win the competition! hehe.  That's pretty good because I'm in my 3rd week there and I can feel major changes.  The circuit training is one of the best things for the body and my 1200 calorie diet has been working wonders and I don't have any problems at all except for late at night sometimes.  I ate a whole baggie of celery last night.  Not a bag from the store but the left over cut up pieces from Easter.  Man, they tasted good haha.  They really did.  I wanted more.
Another lady at Curves told me about Hydroxycut.  I've of course heard of it before, it's a diet pill basically.  It's suppost to burn fat and give you energy.  She said that it worked wonders for her.  When I get a word of mouth tip like that I usually jump on it. So on my way to see Wade yesterday I picked up a bottle.  I'm glad I did because they were on sale for $10.00 off.  So I've been taking them for 2 days now.  I take one before I eat.  The directions tell you to take 1 before each meal for the first 3 days, not to eat between meals and not to eat after dinner.  Then after the 3rd day you can up to 2 before meals.  I haven't noticed a difference in my energy level yet anyway.  I may notice it when I increase to 2 pills Friday.  I will take all the help I can get! But I'm so happy because that 11 lbs is long gone.  I lost it in a way that it's not going to creep back on overnight...I fought hard for it.
I think I got my mom to start drinking protein shakes in the morning now.  She is going to buy some this weekend.  I told her that it's real important to get those 30 grams of protein in within 30 minutes of waking up.  She is also doing good with the Zoloft, she says she has more energy which makes sense since depression sucks the life and energy out of you, and she's only been taking it about a week if that so she should still see more improvement up to the 2 weeks.

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Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter 2012

It was such a beautiful day out for an Easter egg hunt.  The kids really had a great time even though they were all tired.  I remember those days, you just kept going and going.  Alana is so funny.  She was tired and she would just fall down in a little heap when someone came to her so that they would pick her up and carry her.  She's a smart little cookie.  I took some pictures and a few videos.  I'm going to upload those soon.  I emailed Wade a quick happy Easter but I know he didn't have one:(. I will be so happy when he can finally come home.  It seems like he's already been gone way too long.
I had my shake this morning with water, then a sub, then some ham and cornbread mixture stuff and just a little of each.  Got hungrier later on after I got home and had a shake with skim milk.  Not to bad for a day full of chocolate...come to think of it I didn't even see any chocolate!

~~Show Faith, Always Dream, Share With Everyone, Hope hope HOPE and Love Ridiculously & Unselfishly and Be the Person you Dream and Hope to be remembered for~~


Saturday, April 7, 2012

Curves and diet update

Cover of "Curves"
Cover of Curves
Image representing SparkPeople as depicted in ...
Image via CrunchBase
 Before I leave the blog for the day I want to get a post down for my diet.  I've stayed on it strong.  Yup, I'm all that!  I was going over the 1200 after the first day because of snacks so I just cut those out.  I also had the salad on the first night and that was enough for me.  It wasn't enough calories when you think I'm burning over 700 on Mon, Wed and Friday and about 450 on Tuesday and Thursdays.  So I've kept my morning protein shakes and am eating my sub for lunch and then the other half for dinner that's giving me 1191 calories a day, that's counting the cheese and low fat mayo.  As a matter of fact on Thursday when we went to go pick up Rylie I stopped at the Subway on the way home to get 4 subs to get me through the weekend.  Rylie helped me eat them too.  He loves them, red onions, green peppers and all.
I keep track of everything, food, exercise, water intake and my weight on my Android using the Sparkpeople application.  It syncs with my Sparkpeople page where you can find more info about me lol, probably more than anyone wants to know.  I have to stop by there and drop a blog post.
Sondra (the Curves lady) wouldn't let me weigh myself Thursday (closed for Good Friday) because I asked after I worked out and she said I would weigh less.  So I have to remember to do it before I start working out.  I feel like I've dropped some serious weight.  I can really feel and see it in my face.  I think it will be a good idea to wait till the end of next week to weigh unless she wants to do it before.  We're having a challenge this month to see who can lose the most weight.  I'm gonna win....I know that!  Probably because I'm new and have the most weight to lose.
So I go on Mon, Wed and Friday and the reason for that is because she locks the doors on those days and lets men workout from 1-2.  So ya, you guessed it, I have Bill signed up at Curves!! lol.  Not many wives can pass that one off.  I'd like to see it.  He loves it tho and he is real pepped up afterwards.  He gets a high from it, I know.  He doesn't even come home and take a 4 hour nap like he does after water aerobics. The only thing that kinda sucks about the whole thing is the time difference between water aerobics and Curves.  Water aerobics start at 10 and we have to wait till 1 to get into Curves because of Bill. On M.W and Friday I usually splash around in the regular pool for another half hr and get a bit more exercise then hit the therapy pool and usually the sauna before showering and heading out but the therapy pool was closed Thursday because the hospital uses it for therapy sometimes and they were using it and then I forgot my towel so I didn't take a mega shower.  We had some time to kill so we went to Subway and waited in the car.  There is an aerobics class that starts at noon I believe but I think that would be cutting it way too close.  We would be running late all the time and I don't like that feeling.  We have the time, nothing else to do but I really wasn't wanting to spend my whole day working out.  But I gotta do what I gotta do so I will do it.
That's my update and I'm sticking to it.
Tomorrow's Easter, mom is having it at her house and is making ham. Yum. I wish I knew how to count calories because I'm going to have to eat my sub!

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Awesome news from Jayme

I just got some wonderful news from Jayme, her and Derick are getting married.  And that's not all...they are 99% sure that they're gonna have a baby in about 8 months! Yay, another grandbaby to spoil.  I'm excited about it.  She didn't think she would ever be married but they are in love.  She must know now how it feels to love someone so much that you feel like you want to share your life with them.  I know that Rylie and Alana love him too and he's real good with them.  She said that Derick is going to adopt Rylie and that's real exciting news too because I feel that Derick follows through with what he says he gonna do.  I think Jayme has made a pretty good decision.  He has motivation for the future and is really good to all of them.  Boy they are gonna have a full house soon.  We're hoping the baby will be dark haired!  Jayme may end up with a mini me after all!!  How exciting.  I did a little math and if she is about a month along which is usually the case when you start thinking you're preggo, then we should have a little bouncer in December again. Hmmm, I will have to start thinking about names again lol lol.  More on this later.
I've had Rylie since Thursday and he has been a pistol.  I don't know if we missed the terrible two's or what's going on but he has pushed every button that he could find.  Cryed everytime I laid him into everything...didn't listen to anything and I mean anything.  I had to put in him timeout twice today and Bill did once.  He was in the timeout yesterday too.  I think he's double checking the boundaries here because of the changes in his home life.  Well, he got his answer.  Such a sweetie though too.  He hugs me and says I love you.  Gotta love that, it makes it all worth it.

~~Show Faith, Always Dream, Share With Everyone, Hope hope HOPE and Love Ridiculously & Unselfishly and Be the Person you Dream and Hope to be remembered for~~


Wednesday, April 4, 2012


WanttoJon came out today and trimmed some trees and got to work on digging out the river rocks. It turned out to be a much bigger job than he thought it was gonna be but he still got quite a few accomplished. I knew it was find be quite a job...there are so many of them. It was nice of them to put tarps down when they laid the rocks because there isn't that mess of where do we stop digging?
I'll be so happy when they are gone and I can get some grass planted there. River rocks in the middle of a yard just don't make since especially since were not even lake front.
Bill took down all the white poles where I want to put the 5 ft fence. Hopefully tomorrow Jon gets my hill tilled so I can plant my garden.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Happy Birthday BBT

 It was such a nice day yesterday to celebrate Rylie's 3rd  birthday.  I could go on and on about how he is growing so fast but I won't.  But everyday he becomes smarter, sweeter and is such a good boy.  He is my favorite little guy and has me totally wrapped around his little fingers.  I love you BBT!

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Meditation for Weight Loss

Meditation for Weight Loss

I will be trying this out.  Ever since yoga left the Y, I've been missing a part of my mind body and soul and it gives me inspiration to know that meditation will help with weight loss which is just a bonus since meditation does so many other things for you.

This website also has a link right there at the top that will link you to an article telling you how to meditate in case you weren't sure.  Which I'm not.  I have some ideas but I like to do everything to the best of my ability and will be reading this article.

Thanks to

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