Monday, December 17, 2012
Monday, September 24, 2012
Sunday September 23rd 2012
It was a nice quiet Sunday dinner. I made chicken nachos and mom bought a carrot cake with her for Zacs birthday. He's gonna be 23 tomorrow.I think he was a bit surprised.
Me and bill picked up some sand for the sandbox today and Rylie and Alana played in it for over an hour.
Me and my mom walked down to the Moreno house and checked out the outer perimeters again. She will probably end up putting a bid on it, but it will be much lower than what they're asking. They want a little over 88,000 and mom will bid low. The tax value is 47, 000 so they are well over priced that's for sure. It's funny because I will look back on this in a few years and she may have went a totally different route.
I'm propped up here on the pull out sofa bed with Rylie snoring away next to me. Alana went to bed around 7:30. She was starting to turn into a little bandit. She's so cute sitting on the potty chair. It's hard to imagine that Micah and Rylie just got potty trained and Alana is ready. She wants to keep up with them two so badly. She is doing a good job at it! Micah is staying at Zacs parents so she has a way to school. Her new preschool refuses to pick her up at their house so Vicki takes her. I feel like I never see Micah anymore. That may change here soon because Jayme and zac want her to be home with everyone else, not having to stay at his parents every night.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
September 20th 2012
Today was another lazy day. Didn't get up till noon and haven't done a damn thing but lay on the couch and watch movies on Netflix. It rained most of the day. It started last night as soon as I got home from baby sitting. Then our electricity weeny out for a few hours. I figured it was gonna be a lazy weekend. They all have been since I've been watching the kids. They totally wear me out. I'm working on trying to get into s shape to keep up with the little heathens.
Yesterday we went to the park cause Rylie wanted to"have fun" he's so frigging adorable it's almost hard to look at him sometimes...and sweet as honey. The way he squeals and giggles and the way he looks at me when i'm swinging him high in the baby swing is irreplaceable.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
On the Pontoon!
Lee and Bill had just put on the cables yesterday and today so Bill said that one side of the cable must have came loose. I hope that's all it is because I don't want to end up with a money pit:( I'm looking forward to getting it out and throwing the anchor in and chilling and trying to catch a few fish.
Wade called me tonight, it has been about 3 or 4 days since I talked to him. He seems in good spirits but I think he tries to sound happy when he's on the phone with me...but then again, he probably IS happy to be talking to me:) I just can't wait till he can come home. I don't like this prison thing at all. There is nothing I can do for him except try to help him out with money, phone calls and pics. Of course I visit him. I will be able to go again in about a week I think.
Well this is all for today!
~~Show Faith, Always Dream, Share With Everyone, Hope hope HOPE and Love Ridiculously & Unselfishly and Be the Person you Dream and Hope to be remembered for~~
Sunday, July 1, 2012
July 1, 2012
I guess I've had good news and bad new.
The bad news...Bills mom died about 2 weeks ago:(
They put her on morphine and she laid in the bed at the nursing home until she died about 6 days later. I don't know which is worse, watching a loved one die or the sudden phone call that a loved one died.
more bad friends Elaine and Lee's oldest son died. He died in a motorcycle accident a few weeks ago too. I stayed at their house every night while they were in Ohio with their family getting the funeral and everything together. I had to make sure their doggies, cats and fishies were taken care of.
I know it's awful to lose a parent, I'm still not even close to being over my dads untimely death but I couldn't imagine losing a child. They were devastated. I feel so bad for them. There's just nothing you can do in a situation like this.
The good news is that we were able to buy a pontoon! We bought it from our friends's brother...Lee and Elaine's brother. We still haven't been able to put it in the water because we haven't been able to get a dock space. But we went to the sausage and biscuit gravy breakfast this morning and Bob said that he was gonna have his grandkids put out his dock for us. He isn't even going to use it this year. I think that's real awesome of him! I can't wait to take it out in the water and test it! It's an extra long one and is covered the whole way except for an area that we will be able to fish and swim off of.
I'm sitting here typing this out because I'm a nervous wreck!! Jayme is trying to get Derick out of the house and I was talking to her on the phone just now and Derick pulled up. She's going to call the New Haven police department and call me back. I've been waiting for like 10 minutes! It's killing me:( I just wish he would go away but he refuses saying that that is his residence. Well it's not...he's not even on the lease and hasn't been there very long. We found out so much bad stuff about him it's just crazy. I let Jayme borrow our expedition because she needed a car to go to work. Derick promised to change the oil in it because I told him we were gonna do it and hadn't been driving it. Well he said he did but he didn't and now it's sitting at preferred auto with a blown head gasket!!! It had absolutely no oil or anti-freeze in it. We think he drained it and punched a hole in it because Jayme told him she was gonna drive it cause he was driving it and didn't want her to drive it. So the very first day she has it all this shit happens to it. They're saying it's gonna cost us $3000! We don't have that kinda money laying around. We don't even owe that much on the car. I can't believe this...I'm beside myself here. There's a guy here at the lake that works on boats and cars and I'm going to ask him to work on it to save us some serious $$$. But then we just found out tonight that Derick doesn't have his license and he hasn't had it...OMG! He's been driving my car around. He has turned out to be a real loser. I'm glad Jayme woke up when she die.
The good news....Jayme and Zac are getting back together! I've had Rylie since Wednesday and today was my day to make dinner. So I made ham and beans and mom, Jayme, Zac, Micah and Lala came up. We were swimming when they got here and they swam for a minute or the kids did. It was great tho, I loved seeing Micah and all the kids were so happy. Everyone was happy. It's been so long since it's been that way. Zac and Jayme are getting a second chance and they are gonna make it this time...I know it. Rylie and Micah are beside themselves! Micah says I love my Rylie and Rylie say "Micah" "Micah......on and on. Alana runs back and forth to Jayme and Zac, she is so happy too. She is getting so big and her hair is growing out and curly. I knew she was gonna get her hair this summer:)
Well that's it for now...
~~Show Faith, Always Dream, Share With Everyone, Hope hope HOPE and Love Ridiculously & Unselfishly and Be the Person you Dream and Hope to be remembered for~~
Happy Birthday to Meee
Happy Birthday to me...
Tazja just wouldn't let me sleep this morning. Gosh she sounds so pathetic whinning and crying. She is so into me haha. I feel bad when I have to make her lay down but I need some time alone too. Today I turn 43 and that's probablly the last time I will say that since age doesn't mean anything to me and I never plan on growing up~too much trouble.
I'm off to see Stacy Seibold today for my headaches and sleep issues today then going to Jayme's. She has the day off and they are all coming out here, I'm super excited that Wade is home and I saw him yesterday and he's looking real good. He's the thinnest that I've ever seen him but it's a good thin. I'm so happy he's off of the drugs, talk about worrying. They never tell you when you have kids that you will spend the rest of your life worrying about them.
Sara went out on the floor a few days ago so I was thinking about stopping by there to get my hair cut and colored but she doesn't get on the floor till 5. I will see how it plays out.
Not feeling too good today, got up earlier to use the bathroom and my tummy feels like it's turning! I haven't been eating right at all and I'm sure that has alot to do with it. But my back is acting crazy. It actually feels like it's broken and going in and out of muscle spasms. Man I'm so tired of it. I look like an old lady when I walk and when I lift a leg to walk I feel like I'm going to fall. I'm icing alot and hoping it goes soon.
I've fallen off the slow carb diet since Matthew's birthday party which I believe was on the 8th. So today is my last day off and then back to the wagon. I haven't gained all of my weight back so I don't feel hopeless.
~~Show Faith, Always Dream, Share With Everyone, Hope hope HOPE and Love Ridiculously & Unselfishly and Be the Person you Dream and Hope to be remembered for~~
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Here is a download link to First_green_beans_4months_not_thrilled.jpeg -
Thursday, May 17, 2012
May 17, 2012
We picked up Rylie today for "my week-end". Bill just carried him up to bed, he's been sleeping on the couch since we got home 2 hours ago. I hope he doesn't get up too early tomorrow, at least not before us especially since we had to return the dead-bolts because I got the wrong kind. We need the kind that takes keys for both sides. So now there are empty holes in the doors with tissue stuck in it. How hillbilly is that lol. I just don't want him to go outside without me. I guess I'll be shopping for those dead-bolts tomorrow.
Me and Bill went to see his mom today. They took her back to the nursing home last night and her urinary tract infection is pretty muc gone. Her face is a little swolen but not near as bad as it was in the hospital and she kinda looks good that way.
We played a few games of yahtzee. Then Mary came to make sure they changed her back to real food instead of that thickener stuff that she wouldn't eat. I wouldn't want to eat it either. I mean if you know you're gonna go you should be able to enjoy the time you have left. And food is a big part of that. We stopped and got her a chocolate shake at Stake N Shake. She was loving that. A little bit before we left Suzie and her son showed up. I was glad to see Bills mom in her wheelchair and sitting in the break room. She could talk well but still can't hear and Mary doesn't think the hearing aid is necessary now. I hope Bill goes to see her more often. Oh ya, they started her on morphine today and took her off of her psyc meds. She's on the lowest doese of morphine and I think she was pretty alert for being on it, I was a bit worried about that.
I can't remember if I posted since Mother's Day or not. But, me, Bill, mom, Jayme, the kids and Derick all went out to the Old Country Buffet or something like that. For some reason I don't think that's the one, but the other one just like it. Ugh, I hate my memory. Wade was able to call me on Mother's Day. He is starting to get ansy and we figured he is coming up on a year now. Actually I think it's been a year now. It seems longer and will really seem long by the time he gets out. He's going to a 16 wk counseling type of course and I think it's helping him. He also gets a time cut from it. I hope he gets lots out of it cause he needs to do things totally different when he gets out and that's really hard to do. I think he will remember who has been there for him and who hasn't. He has lots of time to think while he's in there and all his "so called family and friends" can't seem to break down and write a ten minute letter. It's not even that so much that I worry about, it's who he hangs around. I don't want him breaking his parole and ending up spending the rest of his sentence in there.
What a bummer post. Good things are happening too. I've started my new website and it will be along the line of a self-help website but with my twist added in there.
The rocks were removed from our back yard thanks to Jon. And we planted grass that has already had to be mowed twice. It's beautiful but we still have some bald spots that I'm going to fix by getting another bag of grass. I'm also going to get the crab grass killer and fix the grass in the front and in the back--then plant some nice grass there too. I still haven't found a place in the yard worthy of a vege garden except the hill area--thats the only place that gets a fair amount of sun. I have sprouts of tomatoes, brocolli, carrots and radishes and nowhere to put them.
Well I'm off to put a little time into my new website.
I've still been dieting even though I don't bother with dieting on Sundays when we have our family dinners. People are noticing my weight loss and commenting. It's great. I feel lots better too!
~~Show Faith, Always Dream, Share With Everyone, Hope hope HOPE and Love Ridiculously & Unselfishly and Be the Person you Dream and Hope to be remembered for~~
Friday, May 11, 2012
Friday May 11 2012
Cover of Curves |
So, I'm starting to think of doing something else with the website. I know I want to stay along the same theme. It's gonna be about sharing info and deals but I want it to be a little more involved. I remember going through this a few years back and ended up dropping the website. Well it's still there but I don't do anything with it. It's free so I've just let it set there. I don't wanna do that again. I'll come up with something.
Jayme's been having some issues. She's got herself into a bit of a situation and isn't sure she wants to stay with Derick. Now she's all confused. I feel for her, it's such a hard position to be in. She will make the right decision. She thinks about things with a level head. There will be more on this later I'm sure. I just don't know what to put down here right now cause things are changing so quickly.
I went over and helped Wendy paint a little on the house on trails end ct today. She's been trying to get it ready to rent and has alot of stuff to get done and wanted to make sure as much of the painting was done as possible since they will be laying carpet tomorrow.
I'm still thinking about the website. Maybe I'm just not the writer I think I am. I mean look at this post. But when I let myself say these types of things then things turn out that way, bad. I need to improve on my positive thinking. Everything is so much easier then. It's amazing how that works out.
Tomorrow is our first association meeting of the year. It will be an early morning for a Saturday and then Sunday is Mother's Day. Busy weekend.
I forgot to tell you that I won the Curves monthly challenge! The challenge was to see who could lose the most amount of weight in a month. It started right after I started there so I really think I had the upper hand. I was motivated and had the initial water weight that came off too. I lost 15lbs and I think 6 inches. 15 lbs in a month is great I think. I've been feeling lots better but I just started slacking off too. I only made it to water aerobics and Curves twice this week. I pledge to myself that next week I will show up at least 3 times! I also ate on family dinner night and moms birthday. I think the birthdays are over for awhile so that's a good thing. I just can't figure any other way other than to eat regular food on family dinner night. It's kinda rude to bring my own sub and eat it. Ugh, I don't know. The first family dinner night I was so good and had my protein shake in the morning, skipped my lunch cause we eat around 4 and then I ate a sensible amount but I went a little overboard at moms last Sunday with the goolosh and breads. I felt funky for 3 days and therefore didn't work out or really eat right. I was so afraid that I was gonna fall of the wagon. But I did good today and it's all forward from here on out. I can't let little things bring me down and just say shit to everything.
Well I'm off to see if I can get some fresh ideas from other site.
~~Show Faith, Always Dream, Share With Everyone, Hope hope HOPE and Love Ridiculously & Unselfishly and Be the Person you Dream and Hope to be remembered for~~
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Dinner at Jayme's
Then we all went to Jayme's for dinner. She made beef and noodles, mashed potatoes, green beans, salad and bread. Wow it was alot of food and it was real good too. She is turning into such a good cook. The kids love that food.
Derick's family came over too and it was nice to meet them. His mom, and both brothers Rick and Greg. I forget his moms name, oh no. I did pretty good remembering his brothers name. They were all so nice too. All the boys are so different.
The kids were at the top of their games, I played with them as much as I could. Alana is so silly. She has Derick wrapped around her little finger. She throws her little fit on the floor waiting for him to come pick her up.
We just got home and it's almost 8:30 now. Already getting kinda tired...prob all those carbs! Going off to work on my other website
~~Show Faith, Always Dream, Share With Everyone, Hope hope HOPE and Love Ridiculously & Unselfishly and Be the Person you Dream and Hope to be remembered for~~
Saturday, April 28, 2012
My Little Birthday Party

so did Rylie

~~Show Faith, Always Dream, Share With Everyone, Hope hope HOPE and Love Ridiculously & Unselfishly and Be the Person you Dream and Hope to be remembered for~~