Friday, May 11, 2012

Friday May 11 2012

Cover of "Curves"
Cover of Curves
 It seems like it's been forever since I've sat down a posted here.  I've been moonlighting making my new website, My initial goal was to move my wordpress dot com over to wordpress dot org paid blog.  Once I got started I decided to go ahead and make it a website and keep my free wordpress cause I already have 12 people following it and honestly don't feel like messing with it right now.
So, I'm starting to think of doing something else with the website.  I know I want to stay along the same theme.  It's gonna be about sharing info and deals but I want it to be a little more involved.  I remember going through this a few years back and ended up dropping the website. Well it's still there but I don't do anything with it.  It's free so I've just let it set there.  I don't wanna do that again. I'll come up with something.
Jayme's been having some issues.  She's got herself into a bit of a situation and isn't sure she wants to stay with Derick. Now she's all confused.  I feel for her, it's such a hard position to be in.  She will make the right decision.  She thinks about things with a level head. There will be more on this later I'm sure.  I just don't know what to put down here right now cause things are changing so quickly.
I went over and helped Wendy paint a little on the house on trails end ct today.  She's been trying to get it ready to rent and has alot of stuff to get done and wanted to make sure as much of the painting was done as possible since they will be laying carpet tomorrow.
I'm still thinking about the website.  Maybe I'm just not the writer I think I am.  I mean look at this post.  But when I let myself say these types of things then things turn out that way, bad.  I need to improve on my positive thinking.  Everything is so much easier then.  It's amazing how that works out.
Tomorrow is our first association meeting of the year.  It will be an early morning for a Saturday and then Sunday is Mother's Day. Busy weekend.

I forgot to tell you that I won the Curves monthly challenge! The challenge was to see who could lose the most amount of weight in a month.  It started right after I started there so I really think I had the upper hand.  I was motivated and had the initial water weight that came off too.  I lost 15lbs and I think 6 inches. 15 lbs in a month is great I think. I've been feeling lots better but I just started slacking off too.  I only made it to water aerobics and Curves twice this week.  I pledge to myself that next week I will show up at least 3 times! I also ate on family dinner night and moms birthday.  I think the birthdays are over for awhile so that's a good thing.  I just can't figure any other way other than to eat regular food on family dinner night.  It's kinda rude to bring my own sub and eat it. Ugh, I don't know.  The first family dinner night I was so good and had my protein shake in the morning, skipped my lunch cause we eat around 4 and then I ate a sensible amount but I went a little overboard at moms last Sunday with the goolosh and breads.  I felt funky for 3 days and therefore didn't work out or really eat right.  I was so afraid that I was gonna fall of the wagon.  But I did good today and it's all forward from here on out.  I can't let little things bring me down and just say shit to everything.
Well I'm off to see if I can get some fresh ideas from other site.

~~Show Faith, Always Dream, Share With Everyone, Hope hope HOPE and Love Ridiculously & Unselfishly and Be the Person you Dream and Hope to be remembered for~~


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