Thursday, May 17, 2012

May 17, 2012

 It was so beautiful out today.  69 but sunny with no wind. I could live like this everyday.  It's going to be in the mid eighties tomorrow and the next day.  I think I might sneak down to the beach and stick my toes in the water.
We picked up Rylie today for "my week-end".  Bill just carried him up to bed, he's been sleeping on the couch since we got home 2 hours ago.  I hope he doesn't get up too early tomorrow, at least not before us especially since we had to return the dead-bolts because I got the wrong kind. We need the kind that takes keys for both sides. So now there are empty holes in the doors with tissue stuck in it. How hillbilly is that lol. I just don't want him to go outside without me. I guess I'll be shopping for those dead-bolts tomorrow.
Me and Bill went to see his mom today.  They took her back to the nursing home last night and her urinary tract infection is pretty muc gone.  Her face is a little swolen but not near as bad as it was in the hospital and she kinda looks good that way.
We played a few games of yahtzee.  Then Mary came to make sure they changed her back to real food instead of that thickener stuff that she wouldn't eat.  I wouldn't want to eat it either.  I mean if you know you're gonna go you should be able to enjoy the time you have left. And food is a big part of that.  We stopped and got her a chocolate shake at Stake N Shake. She was loving that. A little bit before we left Suzie and her son showed up.  I was glad to see Bills mom in her wheelchair and sitting in the break room.  She could talk well but still can't hear and Mary doesn't think the hearing aid is necessary now. I hope Bill goes to see her more often.  Oh ya, they started her on morphine today and took her off of her psyc meds.  She's on the lowest doese of morphine and I think she was pretty alert for being on it, I was a bit worried about that.

I can't remember if I posted since Mother's Day or not. But, me, Bill, mom, Jayme, the kids and Derick all went out to the Old Country Buffet or something like that. For some reason I don't think that's the one, but the other one just like it. Ugh, I hate my memory.  Wade was able to call me on Mother's Day.  He is starting to get ansy and we figured he is coming up on a year now.  Actually I think it's been a year now.  It seems longer and will really seem long by the time he gets out.  He's going to a 16 wk counseling type of course and I think it's helping him.  He also gets a time cut from it. I hope he gets lots out of it cause he needs to do things totally different when he gets out and that's really hard to do.  I think he will remember who has been there for him and who hasn't. He has lots of time to think while he's in there and all his "so called family and friends" can't seem to break down and write a ten minute letter.  It's not even that so much that I worry about, it's who he hangs around.  I don't want him breaking his parole and ending up spending the rest of his sentence in there.

What a bummer post. Good things are happening too.  I've started my new website and it will be along the line of a self-help website but with my twist added in there.
The rocks were removed from our back yard thanks to Jon. And we planted grass that has already had to be mowed twice.  It's beautiful but we still have some bald spots that I'm going to fix by getting another bag of grass.  I'm also going to get the crab grass killer and fix the grass in the front and in the back--then plant some nice grass there too.  I still haven't found a place in the yard worthy of a vege garden except the hill area--thats the only place that gets a fair amount of sun.  I have sprouts of tomatoes, brocolli, carrots and radishes and nowhere to put them.

Well I'm off to put a little time into my new website.

I've still been dieting even though I don't bother with dieting on Sundays when we have our family dinners.  People are noticing my weight loss and commenting.  It's great.  I feel lots better too!

~~Show Faith, Always Dream, Share With Everyone, Hope hope HOPE and Love Ridiculously & Unselfishly and Be the Person you Dream and Hope to be remembered for~~


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