Saturday, April 21, 2012

It's Almost my Birthday

 I have exactly an hour and ten minutes before I finish my 43rd year of life and jump into year 44!  I can't believe I'm going to be that age.  Somehow, I always thought I would stay 32 forever but ya, that never happens.
I'm lucky to be celebrating my birthday because my health hasn't been so good over the past few years.  I downplay it cause I never want anyone to worry but I've got some major issues.  I've been taking great care of myself though.
I'm pretty happy with myself for changing my ways.  I'm taking the right steps and am feeling lots better.  I have to remember to get my blood-test done so I can see where my levels are.  Who knows maybe I can get off of some of my medicines!
I've spent quite a bit of the day lurking on the Internet for birthday freebies.  I want to put a post up on my public website for lots of free stuff on your birthday.  There's lots out there too.  Some are even worth doing.
It's nice and quiet and dark here. Rylie just went to bed about an hour ago. Bill had to lay him down because Rylie won't stay in bed for me anymore.  He keeps getting up and is even getting into stuff.  I've put everything up so he has nothing to get into that can hurt him in the morning if he gets up before us.  I'm setting my alarm and hopefully will get up before he does.  He isn't waking us up when he wakes up! I don't know if he thinks someone is downstairs and when he gets down there he gets sidetracked or what? But it's making me a nervous wreck.
We are going to get deadbolts for the doors because it won't be long before he decides he needs to let the dogs out and slip his boots on and head out too.  He's getting so big so fast.
He jumps on my lap and says "I wuv you!!" It makes it all worth it.  I love my little guy so so much:)

~~Show Faith, Always Dream, Share With Everyone, Hope hope HOPE and Love Ridiculously & Unselfishly and Be the Person you Dream and Hope to be remembered for~~


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